
Ages 30M – 4.5Y

Creative Learning Through Making And Moving

At LCCC, we believe each child learns through encouragement and opportunities to develop their unique creativity. Our Preschool program provides classroom basics, literacy basics, numeracy and mathematics basics and life skills. We use sensory activities such as our changing theme sensory bin that engages each child’s mind and improves their fine and gross motor skills!

Caring, respectful and positive social interactions teach children the values of friendship, sharing and problem solving.

Weekly themes

Each program consists of its own weekly learning theme, so that your child has something new to anticipate with each coming week.


Follow Along Parents !

Educational moments are organic and encouraged. Our emergent curriculum supports the Canadian Standard For Milestone Assurances. Parents can view our weekly plan and incorporate each week’s lesson at home!


Hands-on activities

Our activities are designed to keep your child engaged, whether it’s learning how to draw the solar system or memorizing a song about the seasons.


How Is Your Child Doing?

Every day our teachers upload your children during activity time. We use the HiMama app where you will be emailed photos and videos directly of your little ones. We also update you on their daily eating habits and rest time.


Preschool Program

